Tag: Speculative Fiction

  • The Apex Book of World SF 4

    The Archivist by Julie Dillon © My review of The Apex Book of World SF 4 is now up at Strange Horizons. Excerpt: The first story in the collection is Usman T. Malik’s Bram Stoker-winning “The Vaporization Enthalpy Of a Peculiar Pakistani Family.” I’ve read it many times here and elsewhere. This time I was struck by the author’s…

  • The Devourers by Indra Das

    My review of Indra Das’s debut novel, ‘The Devourers,’ is now up at Strange Horizons. Excerpt: Much of the conflict in The Devourers comes from Alok, Fenrir, and Gévaudan’s guilt and inability to reproduce among their own kind, and Cyrah’s struggle to come to terms with the werewolves’ identity and sexuality. Ultimately, she refuses to become…