Author: Salik Shah

  • Top Presentation on Slideshare

    My presentation on new rules of engagement for copywriters and Social Media was chosen by the SlideShare editorial team as the Top Presentation of the Day. It received 40k views within a week: How to write perfect sentences for Facebook (Twitter, Linkedin, websites, headlines, brochures, etc) Published on SlideShare

  • The Three Types: Dreamers, Doers and Achievers

    What kind of people are you surrounded with: the dreamers, doers or achievers? A simple model which I sketched to explain and understand people better: Who are the dreamers? These are the types who can talk. Those who want to learn to read music today and a foreign language tomorrow, but their desire to accomplish these…

  • Finding Flow In Post-Print Era

    What is the difference between knowledge and information? Ten or twenty years ago questions that most of us, who wanted to publish a poem or a quick prose on the Web, faced weren’t so obvious. Today more and more people are asking these questions that once remained within the serious academic sphere: What is the…

  • What can modern businesses learn from the Web?

    Gary Hamel, celebrated management thinker and author and co-founder of the Management, make the case for reinventing management for the 21st century. In this fast-paced, idea-packed, 15-minute video essay, Hamel paints a vivid picture of what it means to build organizations that are fundamentally fit for the future—resilient, inventive, inspiring and accountable. “Modern” management is…

  • The Capra Hyperbole : One Man, One Film

    Meet John Doe is nothing short of a triumph of Riskin the individual over Capra the institution. The last day of December demands introspection, and I sense a now all-too-familiar pressure to choose the right words for this end note. The year on the calendar upsets my plans. These plans have now become ‘old plans’; plans…

  • The brands that survive will be the brands that make life better

    The brands that survive will be the brands that make life better

    How to make a brand stand out from the crowd? Co.Exist editor, Morgan Clendaniel, writes that companies that aren’t making a difference—to the world and to consumers—aren’t going to be around much longer. Instead of just making your product incrementally better than the competitor, you need to create impact. If you want to build a…

  • Social advertising — is it worth your advertising money?

    The truth about social advertising and how to get more for your spending: It pains me to see how a great idea is being crushed under the weight of unsympathetic brand managers. It is sad when you’ve to cook up feel-good stories when the original idea—if executed right— could produce real, outstanding results. Key to Social…

  • Teach Cinema to Children

    “The man is only half himself, the other half is his expression.”   “Who is the father of computer?” I asked my 9-year-old niece. “Charles Babbage,” she replied promptly. Then I asked her, “And who is the father of cinema?” “What is cinema?” the fourth grader asked me. “It’s the art of films,” I tried…

  • Playing With the Viewer’s Mind

    “I think that the interactivity of New Media is a false promise. The game is rigged, and what is invited is not honest contemplation, but merely “figuring out the next movie.” Audience Activity A film, without any visible protagonist, plays with the audience and forces them to become active as the invisible protagonist. The audience…

  • Being Charlie Kaufman

    ee cummings: To be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best night and day to make you everybody else means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight, and never stop fighting. “Here’s a recent quote that I found: ‘we do not talk, we bludgeon one another with…